Helping nonprofit organizations prepare grant proposals that advance their mission and expand their impact

What we offer
Grant Research
Identify realistic grant opportunities and create a proactive calendar to help you build capacity and sustainability for your organization.
grant readiness
Ensure you’re prepared to be competitive in grant applications with a clear roadmap of funding opportunities going forward.
Grant writing and growth
Bring together data and details relevant to your organization and programs to craft compelling grant proposals that highlight the heart of your work.
over $4 million raised!
Phaedra Howe is the Founder, Lead Consultant, and Grant Writer at Award Ready Consulting. With a background in science, sales, and nonprofit development, she brings a focus on the details and data to highlight the heart of your work for funders and donors.
With six years of experience writing successful five- and six-figure grant awards to both foundation and state funders, and managing awards for foundation, state, and federal grants, she can help your organization create highly competitive grant proposals to grow your funding, help you build sustainability, and expand your impact.